How To Wear Glasses With Hearing Aids

How To Wear Glasses With Hearing Aids Comfortably

If you're stepping into the realm of behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids while also being a glasses wearer, you might find yourself wondering how to seamlessly integrate the two. With both devices occupying the space behind your ears, it can be a bit tricky at first.

However, with a little practice, you'll discover that wearing your BTE hearing aid alongside your glasses becomes second nature. Here's your step-by-step guide to making this combination work harmoniously.

Step-by-Step Guide on How To Wear Glasses With Hearing Aids

  1. Begin by putting on your glasses first. This allows you to make adjustments without any interference from the hearing aid.
  2. Gently position your BTE hearing aid between the arm of your glasses and the outer part of your ear.
  3. Adjust both the glasses and the hearing aid until the hearing aid sits comfortably close to your outer ear without causing any discomfort.
  4. Practice taking your glasses on and off while wearing the hearing aid in front of a mirror. It's a good idea to do this on a soft carpet at home, ensuring that if the hearing aid falls off, it won't get damaged.

The Advantages of BTE Hearing Aids

Before delving into the specifics of wearing BTE hearing aids with glasses, it's essential to consider whether this type of hearing aid suits your needs. BTE hearing aids with earmolds, although not as common as before, remain a popular choice for individuals with moderate to severe hearing loss. Here are some reasons why BTE hearing aids might be the right fit for you:

  1. Powerful Performance: BTE hearing aids outshine many alternatives like in-the-ear (ITE) and receiver-in-the-canal (RITC) devices in terms of power. This makes them an ideal choice for those with moderate to severe hearing loss. The external placement of BTE aids allows for a larger battery, resulting in superior amplification and processing power.

  2. Discreet Appearance: While modern hearing aids offer various discreet appearances, BTE hearing aids can also be discreet. They snugly sit behind or on top of the outer ear, completely concealed from view when seen from the side. Mini BTE hearing aids, in particular, are virtually invisible when worn.

  3. Versatility and Choice: BTE devices come in a range of options tailored to different levels of hearing loss, from mild to severe. Their versatility extends to aesthetics too, with variations in skin-tone matching and vibrant colors, making them a popular choice for both adults and children.

  4. Ideal for Moist Ears: BTE devices use plastic earmolds that lack electronic components, making them suitable for individuals with wet or discharging ears.

  5. Comfortable Fit: Comfort is paramount when it comes to hearing aids. BTE aids are an excellent choice for those who prefer devices that rest outside the ear. Additionally, for individuals with smaller ear canals, BTE aids are often the only suitable option.

  6. User-Friendly: BTE aids are favored for their ease of use. Controls may vary, but they are universally accessible, either directly on the device or through remote controls and mobile apps.

  7. Durability and Maintenance: BTEs are resilient against dust, dirt, moisture, and external contaminants. Their larger size and external positioning make them easier to clean.

Embracing the Simplicity of BTE Hearing Aids with Glasses

The fusion of BTE hearing aids and glasses requires some initial adjustment, but with time, it becomes a natural part of your routine. By adhering to the steps outlined and appreciating the benefits of BTE hearing aids, you're poised to enhance your hearing experience while maintaining your visual clarity. Remember, it's about comfort and convenience, and with a little practice, you'll seamlessly wear both devices with confidence.

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